1. Birth control is harmful because it creates a sex on demand attitude.
2. It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
3. It contributes to sexual addiction.
4. It causes abortions.
1. Birth control is harmful because it degrades women and makes them simply a sexual object.
2. It allows people to bond without a commitment.
3. It gives a false sense of safety in having promiscuous sex.
1. Birth control is harmful because it negates the wedding vows.
2. It does not honor the purpose of sex.
3. It decreases the natural consequence of a child from extra marital affairs, which has for a long time been a deterrent.
1. Birth control is harmful because it treats the body like an object, not a person- something just to be used for sexual pleasure.
2. It creates a sex on demand attitude, which can lead to sexual assaults and rape.
3. It has caused social chaos.
4. It treats children like accidents, or mistakes and creates an anti-child mentality in society.
1. Birth control is harmful because it treats the woman’s body and her fertility like some kind of disease.
2. It treats the body like it is just a machine- something to be used just for sexual pleasure.
3. It allows people to bond without a commitment.
4. It degrades women and makes them simply a sexual object.
1. Birth control is harmful because it does not respect the Creator’s purpose for our bodies and our sexuality.
2. It does not honor the purpose of sex.
3. It negates the wedding vows.
4. It treats the body like some kind of machine- something just to be used for sexual pleasure.
No Room for Contraception (NRFC) is a sexular campaign, and is not associated with the Diocese of Tulsa.
Here at NRFC we thought the idea was a good one, and are considering launching our own secular version with our own website.
The domain is owned by NRFC, while the billboards advertise the domain
Please get your story straight before reporting it as "fact".
Ruben Obregon
The No Room for Contraception Campaign
>> sexular
Oops.. I meant secular...
This whole things sounds like something from The Onion. Sadly, it is not.
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