Thursday, July 20, 2006

Weekend Without Echoes

I will submit posts to you this weekend as part of a “Weekend Without Echoes.” The brainchild of F.T. Rea of Slantblog, twenty-eight Virginia bloggers (at last count) will attempt to break out the bloglsphere echo chamber. He wrote,
…. I do think that notion of a group of bloggers trying to go for a
brief spell without adding more noise to the echo chamber -- by writing original
material and not merely cutting and pasting and linking -- is something to
pursue. Some bloggers I know are already doing that, for the most part. At times
I have saluted some of them in my comments on their blogs.

Accordingly, I’d like to propose that bloggers who want to participate
in a little experiment, use the weekend of July 21-23 to show the rest of the
blogosphere that it can be done. It would be a weekend vacation from copying,
and piling on, and talking points ... a weekend without calling everyone with
whom one disagrees a “liberal,” or a “conservative,” as if those are dirty

You can find a list of the participants at this post on Slantblog or on Vivien Paige’s sidebar. Be sure to check them out this weekend.

For my part, I will be offering over the weekend an essay on America’s place in the world following September 11th, some observations and thoughts regarding a particular memorial in Richmond, and a reflection on my encounter with the Klu Klux Klan several years ago.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Vivian J. Paige said...

And the number keeps growing. Glad you are participating!